JD Rudometkin

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April 2024

5 Doors is a monthly online magazine/gallery featuring new music, cinema, art, and writing from artist JD RUDOMETKIN and guest artists. It is also a communal space where rituals are curated. This gallery is best experienced on a desktop/laptop computer.

Springtime in the Mojave is in its prime. The following is a cinematic prose piece about how we learn to see, and what we to decide to pray about.

The Way That Bees Pray for Honey

In the spring, flowers bloom. Sleeping plants and hibernating animals come back to life. But Its not always obvious. Spring can be a quiet season in the desert. Sometimes you have to look close.

Perhaps you have noticed this in yourself. How you have changed in small ways. The way you see beauty now. In simple things. 

The way your mind bends toward the light these days. Because you wanted it to bend that way. You look for color and texture now. You have trained your eye to see. And your sense of smell has returned to you. Or maybe it hasn’t. All I know is what I see. And I have seen you learn to sit with flowers again.

And nowadays you speak less about the neighbor’s foul tongue. And you seem to care less about an idiot president. Or your lot in life. I have been watching you tend your wild garden.

How did you do it? How did you transform your mind like that? Did it come all at once? Or have you been working on this for a long time? 

I wonder if we should pray for things like that. The way that bees pray for honey. The way that ants protect the queen.

If 5Doors enriches your life in some way, please consider supporting it with a donation. Thank you kindly for your patronage, which allows us to continue sharing this work with you.

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